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The Two Kingdoms of Terror

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The LaRouche Show on Oct. 20 hosted two EIR specialists, Arabic-language editor Hussein Askary, who is based in Stockholm, Sweden, and New Delhi correspondent Ramtanu Maitra, based in Leesburg, Va. Each addressed the question of the Anglo-Saudi terrorism behind 9/11/2001 and 9/11/2012.

The Internet radio program runs every Saturday at 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time, at radio/index.html. This week’s host was Marcia Merry Baker.

Hussein Askary: First of all, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the British Kingdom are actually inseparable; they are one entity. Saudi Arabia, from its inception almost a century ago, was a British project. And also, the domination of the so-called Saudi and other sheikdoms in the region coincided with the British move into the Indian Ocean and India in the 18th Century; but then later became more and more involved in running the affairs of these countries. And all these small countries along the Persian Gulf and Saudi Arabia were created, physi- cally and practically, by the British.

Now although there is a long history of the British Empire’s operations in Asia, in Southwest Asia, the thing is that since the murder of Qaddafi last October, we were put on a trajectory towards a global conflict. The United States, NATO, the British are face-to-face now with Russia and China, right in Syria, in the same region, where the Saudis, and the British, and the Obama Administration are very active in supporting a bloody war, which could expand beyond Syria into the whole of Eurasia, and get us into a direct conflict with Russia.

As Lyndon LaRouche has warned, that kind of conflict is not going to be irregular warfare, as we saw in Afghanistan in the 1980s, but it’s going to be thermonuclear war.

The real issue here is that the British Empire’s intention—or the Anglo-Saudi Empire, we can call it—is to destroy the idea of the sovereign nation-state. That includes all nations, not only in the region, but including the United States and Europe. There are different methods being used to destroy this principle of national sovereignty. In Europe, we see it here today, in the banking and financial crisis, whereby a super-European state is being established, or the intention is to establish it. In the United States, it’s to turn the United States from a sovereign republic into an empire, which would be a subsidiary of the British Empire.

When, in October last year, Russia and China vetoed the UN Security Council resolution for intervention in Syria, what they were discussing was exactly this principle of national sovereignty. That this is the last front line we have before we go into a world war, and that has to be protected and preserved.

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