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ATTAC in Spain Debates Leaving Euro As Only Solution

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(EIRNS)—The once-fierce political taboo against even considering Spain’s leaving the euro, is cracking in Spanish leftist circles. Indicative of the debate which has begun, is the decision by the Spanish branch of ATTAC (Association for the Taxation of Financial Transactions for the Aid of Citizens) for Spanish ATTAC TV to interview the coordinator of their Scientific Council, Gregorio Lopez Sanz, on why leaving the euro must be considered as an option, now. Perhaps the decision to publicize Lopez Sanz’s views is because he in fact is speaking for others.

Lopez Sanz argued a year ago that if the choice came down to that of continuing the EU’s austerity policies or leaving the euro, the latter should be done. But this past Dec. 17, ATTAC posted their interview with him, titled "Get Out of the Euro," to ATTAC’s YouTube site, and it is being picked up by other blogs. His emphatic message is that "leaving the euro today is not utopian; it is not crazy; it is not irrational. It is the only solution, in the face of the Spanish economy and society being dragged into an unprecedented crisis." Why get out? Because staying in the system defined by Maastricht and usurious interest rates requires conditions which society cannot tolerate. Illegitimate public debt must not be paid, and the State should have the monopoly on issuing debt, not the speculators, as is the case today.

His proposals to solve the crisis, however, are crippled by the oligarchic axioms of monetarism (Keynesianism) and anti-growth ecology which still dominate Spain’s left with an iron grip. [ggs]