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Obama Declares Victory Over Al Qaeda, Again

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(LPAC)—President Obama declared victory again, yesterday, proclaiming al Qaeda to be "on the way to defeat." He told 3,000 Marines at Camp Pendleton in California (who might’ve been ordered to be there) that "Al Qaeda’s top ranks have been hammered. "The core of al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan is on the way to defeat," he said. This neat little word-play was also used earlier this week by White House spokesman Jay Carney to cover the fact that the Obama Administration’s perpetual war policies in the Middle East have actually served to spread Al Qaeda’s ideology from Libya to Syria to Yemen.

But Obama went on, sounding more like George W. Bush than a statesman. "Here’s what those who cowardly attack civilians do not get. The United States will never retreat from the world," he said. "We do not get terrorized. We’re going to keep standing up to our enemies [and] we’re going to keep standing up for the security of our citizens."

The more astute among Obama’s listeners will recall that it was only a year or so ago that Obama Administration officials, such as then-Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, were declaring that Al Qaeda was "on the verge of strategic defeat." Now they represent a threat so serious that we have to close a dozen-and-a-half embassies in the region for a week or more? Of course, the real intention of Obama’s British controllers is that the war on terror never end, so perhaps we’ll hear Obama declare victory a few more times before he finally leaves the stage of history. [CJO]