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Greek PM Samaras Declares Anyone Who Is Against EU and NATO Is ’Extremist’

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(EIRNS)—The Greek government’s suppression of the fascist opposition party Golden Dawn will now be turned against the legitimate opposition parties, especially the Syriza and Independent Greeks.

Syriza leader Alexis Tsipras in an interview with Euronews on Oct. 3 denounced the ruling New Democracy’s specious "theory of two extremes" which claims Syriza is "left extremist" and Golden Dawn is "right extremist," thus trying to tar Syriza with the same brush as Golden Dawn. The obvious implication is that Syriza "is next" for judicial targetting, after the charges brought against Golden Dawn leaders on various pretexts. Government spokesman Simos Kedikoglou has been voicing the "extremisms theory," using it to attack Syriza almost every day, thereby creating the public atmosphere under which more nefarious suppressions can take place..

Now Prime Minister Antonis Samaras has taken his "extremes" theory to the next step:. Speaking in Washington, D.C. at the Peterson Institute for International Economics on Oct. 2, Samaras said that after dismantling Golden Dawn, his government will deal with "the other extreme" that opposes Greek membership in the EU and NATO.

His attack drew a sharp response from Syriza’s parliamentary spokesman Panayiotis Lafazanis who warned yesterday of "unpredictable consequences" if New Democracy did not change its tune."Equating leftist ideas with the ideas of Golden Dawn, as Samaras did in the U.S., is a huge blow to democracy." Lafazanis reportedly is an advocate of leaving the Eurozone, in order to save Greece from the genocidal policy of the bail-in. [dea]