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France-J. Cheminade
Stop the infernal ukrainian war machine now!

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by Jacques Cheminade, president of Solidarity & Progress

— Today the Ukrainian authorities mobilized their army reserves, increasing thus the risk of war. Given Mr. Obama’s statement that he is ready to react to events in Crimea, the risk of world war is now immediate, just as it was during the Cuban missile crisis. The difference today is that the president of the United States is not John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

The time has thus come for those European countries convinced that peace cannot be preserved without Russia at the negotiation table, to take responsibility. It is one thing is to talk in Brussels, the other is to act without further delay.

The main elements for a road map between Russia and the EU leaders, essentially France and Germany, are clear:

  • the respect of Ukraine’s territorial integrity and national sovereignty must be guaranteed;
  • any illegitimate government, as the present one in Kiev, must not be recognized;
  • any group of extremists which claims to control an illegitimate form of government, must be disarmed, brought under control and dissolved;
  • guarantees must be given to the Russian-language population, starting with the reestablishment of Russian as an official language;
  • Russia must be recognized as the only country able to provide a context and motor for the economic development of Ukraine;
  • the control exerted by oligarchs of all venues in Ukrainian politics, must be abolished;
  • equal and equitable treatment to all components of the Ukrainian nation, east and west, must be guaranteed; and
  • Ukraine must be given the means to ensure an equitable and harmonious economic development dynamic, via an agreement between Russia, Western Europe and the United States.

Concretely, this road map can only become a reality if the main powers create a public productive credit system which replaces the current rules of the game, dominated by a monetarist oligarchy. That credit will finance great development projects integrating Ukraine’s economy into an area extending from the Atlantic to the Sea of China. Finally, in order to create a solid base for peace, the political leadership of the trans-Atlantic zone must be changed.

The power of the City of London and Wall Street, and of all those who go along with them, must be brought to an end, starting with that of Barack Obama and those European leaders who submit to the present Anglo-American empire. To really free Ukraine, one must first free our own countries from their cannibal cast. World peace depends upon that.