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From Executive Intelligence Review
Berlin WHO Office: Those That Survive Ebola Will Die of Hunger

by Rainer Appel

Printable version / Version imprimable

(EIRNS)—In dramatic words, Ralf Suedhoff, head of the Berlin office of the WHO, attacked the lack of an efficient food- aid program for Ebola-stricken West Africa.

With indigenous food production there having fallen by 40% already, and the harvest rotting in the fields because no one is available to bring it in, the entire region is certain to face a giant famine catastrophe in addition to the Ebola pandemic, Suedhoff charged.

International food aid is miserably insufficient, he said, because, of the emergency food aid immediately needed of some $92 million, not even 50% has been authorized by governments. The German government, for instance, has so far only authorized EU198,000 for food aid. "Those who survive Ebola are threatened with dying of hunger," Suedhoff said, warning there will be 1.5 million Ebola cases by January 2015, given the increasing infection rate and spread of the pandemic.