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Manhattan Town Hall event with Lyndon LaRouche, April 30, 2016

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DENNIS SPEED: So, on behalf of the LaRouche Political Action Committee, I want to welcome everybody here, today, to our changed location. My name is Dennis Speed. This is a temporary change, but I want to say the following. Lyndon LaRouche, who created what’s called the Manhattan Project, in October of 2014, is a unique individual, who, on the day of September 11th, made statements that no one else made, and had made statements prior to September 11th, in January of 2001, that no one else had made. And, he has stated, and I think this is true, that the citizens of New York City deserve the truth. And that the truth, if told, will result in the removal of President Barack Obama from office. We are going to start today, by going, as from my discussion with Lyn, earlier, directly to questions and answers. And so, what I’d like people to do, is to line up unless, Lyn, you have anything to say, at this point.

LAROUCHE: No, I think it would be clinically advised, to let this thing just, plain flow out.

SPEED: OK, great.

Q: Hi, Lyn, it’s Alvin, in New York. But, what is increasingly becoming real to me, is actually the "Ground Zero" of the United States, as things are heating up. I certainly watched, and paid close attention to, what Jeff Steinberg had to say [on the LaRouche PAC webcast], last night, filling in a lot of the details of things that have been generally spoken about, and been expressed, by you, for many years. And clearly [Sen. Bob] Graham’s interview is useful, and a real push, because, it’s clear to me, that, in the crosshairs, now, are Obama; the Saudis; Wall Street; and Bush, of course; and with the British being the backers of all of this. Now, the theme of the FBI, while you’ve talked about it, a lot, it seems to be becoming stronger and stronger. And, here in New York, clearly you’ve been targetted, this organization has, and, I think we have to guard against a type of — I’ve heard of a couple of very, kind of hostile things that are coming out, in the streets, at times. So, I’d like you, if you could help us, again, with this particular FBI operation, here, that we’re about to break.

LAROUCHE: No, this thing has been defined, already. It is repeated, again, and again. I have been, repeatedly, an eyewitness to major aspects of the behavior, which involve the threat in Manhattan, and to Manhattan, and those kinds of things. So, I’m fully aware, and competent, all the way from the origin of the FBI, to its present existence. I know the whole thing, essentially. I don’t know every detail, but I know enough essentials to know that the whole smear, is a smear.

SPEED: Let me just announce two things. Because, there are a lot of new people here, today. So, at the point you come to the microphone, please state a question; try to be short, if you can. And, if there’s a follow-up, we’ll take that. So, that’s just for, again, a number of people that are here. Also, if people have questions, if you could line up, here, so that we could move along.

Q: With regard to 9/11 and the FBI. I hear the FBI has a new anti-racism policy: Black or White, your life doesn’t mean anything. [laughter]

LAROUCHE: That’s pretty fair. Because, that’s a fair statement of the way you feel about this thing; and I’m highly sympathetic.

Q: Good afternoon, Mr. LaRouche. It’s Jessica, from Brooklyn, New York. I have a little cold, so excuse my little scratchiness. [coughs]

OK. We’ve had a lot of activity, this week. I’m sure you’ve heard about Sunday, when we were out in Battery Park and the World Trade Center, we were leafletting and talking to people, and doing a lot of networking. So, my question is — it’s kind of a statement-question thing, mixed together, which is my usual. But, I’ve called a lot of people in City Council, actually just yesterday, Friday, and talked about the need to release the 28 pages, and how they had to support that effort, in Washington. And, since they were New York City Council members, it was fitting and proper that they do so. And, I’m getting kind of a "50/50" response, that seems to happen in the population, too. And, that old thing that we talk about, with the "fear factor," that’s what I think is rising up. I also talked about Glass-Steagall, because, you know, that’s my thing, and, it’s all connected.

So, I’d like you to comment on that fear factor thing, and how I feel the tension; it’s not really a tension, but an excitement, but still, a tension, to escalate. And, I got on the phone, and was probably a little too aggressive, but, that’s OK. But, the escalation has to take place, and I’m seeing all different reactions.

And, I’m thinking that that "fear" thing is probably a part of it, with the FBI, with the problems that we have trying to get Glass-Steagall passed, all of it is connected. I’d like you to comment on that.

LAROUCHE: I can give you a little personal detail. I was successfully a leader in a major professional organization in Manhattan. And, the time came when someone said, "Well, the FBI wants to talk to you." And, I said, "What do they need to talk to me about?" Then they came back, around my premises, where I worked. I was a leading figure in the profession, there. And, they went wild. They crawled all over the area in which I lived. They kept doing it, and kept doing it. They destroyed what had been my wife, and drove her mad, and made her rather evil, in many respects. (She’s now deceased, long since.) But, the point is, that’s what happens.

Now, if you look at the history of this whole process, you say the FBI was, from the beginning, at the point that it became an instrument for eliminating Franklin Roosevelt, as President. They took away his powers of organization, as President. And, this was done by a British, foreign-based agency, which was still the FBI. And, I have a lot of experience on this stuff. But, I think there’s too much experience to cover it all, up in one time.

Q: All right. I appreciate everything that you said. And, just for the people who are in the room, and the other people that we talk to: We have to overcome that fear. And, I know you are the most inspirational person that I know. And, whenever I think about it, I don’t even think about it. I just make the calls, and do the things that I have to do, to let them know that they’re jackasses, and keep ’em moving. OK. Thank you. [applause]

Q: Hi, Mr. LaRouche. This is R— from Bergen County, New Jersey.

On the FBI issue. It became known, in 1971, after a raid of an FBI regional office, in Media, Pennsylvania, that the FBI had been maintaining something called a "Security Index," which was basically an entirely subjective list of Americans, who had not been proven guilty of any crime; and, this list may have been on the order of thousands, or tens of thousands of people, in conjunction with their regular spying activities, and infiltration activities. And, the mandate was that, under the condition of a national emergency, undefined, these individuals were to be arrested and incarcerated, without recourse to habeas corpus. This became known as a result of the raid of the FBI office in Media, Pennsylvania.

Now, my question is: Many Americans would not have been aware of that, unless these patriotic Americans had risked themselves, and committed this act to get the information out. And, my question is: Could it have been said, even though one was not aware of it; was it correct to say that the United States was actually a republic, given that the Executive Branch, and the Justice Department had agreed to perpetuate this type of activity, without the knowledge of the public? Clearly unconstitutional activities. So, could it be said that the United States was a republic, even if one was not even aware of it? And leading that up to today, can it be said that the United States is a republic, unless those 28 pages are released, unless there’s a logical follow-through of what comes out of that?

LAROUCHE: Absolutely! This was a foreign, British-organized, operation, which took over, and became known as the FBI. This is the FBI which shut down the Presidency of President Roosevelt, even while he was, at that time, actively a President of the United States, still. But, he was disabled by the agency of the FBI. The FBI is, and always has been, an agency of the British Empire. And, the British Empire and the Saudi terrorists are the same people. The British agents and the Saudi terrorists are the same people. Obama is an agency of the same character, same collection. So, the question is, if the people of the United States stand up, and say, "Look, if we give in, again, we’re finished." The rate of death, in the United States will escalate still further, throughout the United States. The United States will be destroyed, by the FBI, through the agency of the Saudi system and the British monarchy. The British monarchy is the mother, or the something-or-other of all bad evils, in the history of mankind in my lifetime!

Q: Hello, Mr. LaRouche. My name is J— A—, and I really appreciate your being a free-speaking and a different voice than we often hear in this political discourse in the United States. And, I really appreciate your support for the reinstatement of Glass-Steagall, because this is vital to our economy, and even to jobs in New York, for people who work in the financial industry. Because, it will help them to prevent as many of the abuses and the mismanagement, as well as preventing distraction to investors and to people who just want to build, who just use a bank.

I am curious why there seems to be no mention of Mossad and some rogue elements of Israeli involvement in 9/11, because there is a lot of evidence pointing in that direction. There is an Israeli messaging service which pointed out this. Some Israeli people were given two hours’ notice before the implosion or whatever happened on 9/11 to the towers by their messaging service. There was also, a van was reported to be full of explosives, and with five Mossad agents caught on their way to the George Washington Bridge on 9/11. There were also about 200 so-called Israeli art students who were arrested prior to 9/11 who were going to different governmental agencies, to offices, but also to homes of people who worked for different government agencies of the United States, and were targetting specific people, trying to get into their homes. They were also found near nuclear plants in restricted areas. And it turned out they were not Israeli students. Many of them were found out to be, for sure, Mossad agents. So, if you’d like to reply about that, thank you.

LAROUCHE: Well, I can attest to the accuracy of the statement just made by her here, because, remember, in California, there was an operation being set up ostensibly as an Israeli instrument, and it was not. It was an FBI instrument, and a British instrument. This thing was already there.

For example, I was a supporter of the Israelis in Israel, at the time that Israel was just initially established. And these were people who I worked with, from inside the United States, into there; and I watched what had happened to the murderers of Israeli leaders who were not of the original breed. These were not the people who actually defended the fight against Hitler in Israel. But what happened, the process was, that the people who were British controlled, were actually the greatest enemies of that team of Israelis. It is still going on today.

And so the point is that that problem, the injustice against Jews, in the United States and in Britain, but especially in the United States, because it is the United States, that problem has remained a very difficult one to deal with. And it is derived from, when people came from the generation that came up after Hitler, after the Hitler experience, they were doubly hurt, deeply hurt, in a way which is beyond most other parts of the world. And I know those friends. They’re gone now, but I know them.

Q: [follow up.] I’d just to point out there was some Zionist terrorism involved with the founding of the Israeli state, however, with the bombing of the King David Hotel, by what is known to be a Jewish terrorist organization, and they blamed the bombing of the king David Hotel on Arabs, and they even dressed as Arabs when they were setting this up. So, unfortunately, because I hate to see Jewish people blamed for the behavior of some people who might be aligned with them, that’s my standpoint.

LAROUCHE: This is something I fought with years ago, on this thing, in the post-war period, because it came up in the early part of that period. We had a faction, in a sense, where we would be responsible; I was not Jewish, of course, but I was very closely associated with the Jewish community, especially those who were associated with the World War II period and its aftermath. So these are experiences I’ve had. They are not always congruent with what other people have as views, but I know, from my own standpoint, that I am still ready to display anger whenever needed under the situation.

Q: Hi, Lyn, it’s K—from the Bronx. You made it very clear about the FBI today; I didn’t know they were really a British operation. You have made that clear. I know that they are a criminal part of a criminal government, and that the Clintons are a criminal part of a criminal government. What I would like you to explain to me is why the FBI is after Hillary Clinton? It isn’t that I think she is innocent, because I know she’s not, but why are they targeting the Clintons at this time?

LAROUCHE: I don’t think it’s that specific; I think this is a much more complicated, kind of mixture of issues. Now, Hillary, unlike her husband, became a stooge for Obama. She was and is a stooge for Obama. Look, she was part of the murder of the leaders in the Egyptian area. She has been the criminal in this thing, all the way through. She did it! And she bragged about it! She took credit for the assassination of officials of the United States, who were performing services in that area of the world!

Her husband was greatly embarrassed, because I was close to her husband, at that time. And he was set up by the British and others. And his wife drifted off in a direction which was not his. And now he has got this rope around his head, and he’s probably very angry, deeply angry in this whole business. But he’s just going along with what he’s going along with. And I don’t know if he’s going to be able to cope with that.

But it’s a terrible tragedy, when a President of the United States, who, in general, had been a good President of the United States; and then his wife turns against him, and breaks him. She’s no good. She is absolutely, no good. He’s a different case.

Q: [follow up] So the FBI really does want to prosecute her?

LAROUCHE: That’s joke time. I mean, she is protected by the FBI! What do you want? [laughs]

Q: [Dave Christie] Hi Lyn. So, I want to get your thoughts on the matter, because the other side of this, of course, is we don’t know all that’s behind some of these other layers that are moving on the 28 pages. We know they are moving in our wake, but it’s a wake you created long ago, so the question, of course, is, why now?

Obviously, it does occur in the context of a major buildup for war. This is one thing that came to mind is the discussion around the potentialfor Georgia and Ukraine, getting into the steps to join NATO; which of course, Russia has made numerous statements that that’s a real red line for them. These are the kinds of provocations that are also occurring with China, provocations in the South China Sea. So it is very clear this is the vector. And like I said, we don’t know exactly what some of these other forces around the motion we see around the 28 pages, but that’s clear.

Now, the other thing that’s happening right now, is the whole line that is coming out, that Obama is really just trying to secure his legacy, which gives him a cover to keep pushing this war front. And you have something to say on this, but I was just thinking back to your April 2009 statement, where you identified Obama as a clinical narcissist. And to me, there is no legacy that a narcissist has, you know.

Anyway, maybe just the broader perspective, just to see what your thoughts are, also on this war danger, because I don’t think that can be overlooked, as well.

LAROUCHE: Well, the war danger is immediate: Right now, we’re on the edge of a general global war, now! It’s happening right now. Everyone who is supporting this President with their actions is guilty. The war is against China; the war is against India; the war is against nations in South and Central America, mostly. And it is against essential interests, of the members of the United States.

Q: [Jason Ross] Hey Lyn, I wanted to ask you about the 28 pages with regard to changing U.S. policy. I recently had the inspiring, but also disheartening, or maybe sobering experience of reading a book written by a Chinese scholar on the Belt and Road Initiative, laying out what China’s plans are, in terms of economic cooperation throughout the Eurasian continent. And, in that book, they don’t hold back from expressing their view of how the U.S. stands in opposition to many of the main objectives of the Belt and Road Initiative. For example, the U.S. creating containment in the Middle East through conflict, the Pivot to Asia, the threat to economic supremacy and geopolitics of Brzezinski. This is all mentioned explicitly in this public book by the Chinese. So, it leads me to want to ask you, is how do you see the role of the 28 pages as a particularly powerful opportunity right now for changing the direction of the U.S. more broadly?

LAROUCHE: I was at that relevant time in life where I was a leading official for the Presidential administration. Then they decided to get rid of me, and they put me in prison, and everything was a lie. And most of the people, in terms of even the prison system, knew that I was innocent. They just helped me, in a sense, and frustrated the people who were in the prison system who were supposed to kill me.

So, I’ve been through this kind of thing, and I know this kind of thing, so I’m not really much influenced by it in any sense. I just know, this is no damned good! It never was any damn good! The last decent President I saw, one was Bill Clinton, who was not a perfect person, but he was a decent person, unlike his wife today; and that’s the way things go. That’s the way history goes. And the point is, there is no justice in the United States, as such. That is, there is no blanket justice in the United States, since that process. And there is not a single person in the United States who is not a target of the FBI.

Q: Hi, Lyn, this is Daniel [burke]. I want to ask you about the people of New York, in terms of, what is it that we need them to become? Because I find that we have a phenomenon that we’re running into, in many different ways, which is people say, "I’ve given up," or "I can’t find the passion to fight." And this is the time to get a victory. I want to ask your thoughts on what we need to create within the people of New York?

LAROUCHE: The people of the United States, and particularly the people of New York City, Manhattan, are in a peculiarly advantageous position to influence a greater ratio of the number of citizens, adult citizens, or quasi-adult citizens; and they provide the marching orders for the freedom of Manhattan, in particular, from Obama. That’s what it really is. And the important thing is that Manhattan has a greater ratio of passion, and support, than any other part of the United States. Manhattan! And Manhattan must lead the United States in getting rid of the FBI, and what it represents.

SPEED: That’s funny.

Q: Good afternoon, everyone. My name is E— . It’s my first time here. And I have a certain concern and I know that there is a global war, different problems around the world. But right now, I’m from the tropical island of Puerto Rico and in Puerto Rico there are certain concerns with the crisis. It’s a good example of the obstacles that we have. You know Florida, many people are moving to Florida; and then, of course, the health issues not being addressed in Puerto Rico. Puerto Ricans cannot vote there, but we can vote here.

So because of all these crises, the question I would like to do to the people, because I say what can I do for the people for the people to wake up, to shake up? Pretty soon, in a few weeks is going to be the Puerto Rican Parade which is coming, and I intend to present a proposal to the Puerto Rican Parade to be an awakening of the people, to shake up, to wake up, and to do, in terms what’s covering not only what’s here out of Puerto Rico, but here. Any suggestions or comments, sir?

LAROUCHE: Yes, well the point is, this requires a general summoning up of commitment to a policy to throw corrupt organizations out of existence. Just throw it out. You have to get rid of it. You have to get rid of these diseases.

Look what happened in Mexico, for example. I was a very close friend of the President of Mexico, and he was the last good hero in Mexico. And the FBI was the institution that threw him out of office, and as a result of that, his being thrown out of office, Mexico degenerated, in a horrible way! With drug diseases, all kinds of things: mass killings, and the citizens of Mexico are terrified.

And therefore, every one of us in every part of the world, has to understand that these are the enemies, these are the categories of enemies, things we can pick up by bushel baskets full. It’s so it’s not one issue. It’s not this thing. The question is, how can we give the human species its rights to be human? And very few parts of the world as a whole are presently capable of representing true humanity. Because it’s been taken away from them.

In Mexico, for example, the drug thing, which was—of course, Obama was a big supporter of the drug operation inside the United States, when he was President, already. He was a big supporter of the FBI in this operation. His associates were parts of that.

So the point is, what we all have in any significant nation, of impact, we all have things that have to be cleaned away, quickly and definitively. It’s not one issue, it’s not this nation, it’s not that nation; it’s humanity as a whole, that’s what’s being crushed. You can’t just defend just one people. You’ve got to defend humanity as a whole. You’ve got to have laws that protect mankind as a whole, without exception.

Q: [follow up] That’s a nice thought, for everyone, as ourselves. In fact, we’re a minority. But the question is, some people are either innocent or they’re ignorant, they don’t know; they’re in another world; they are blind, the people. So, since they are the minority, what can we do to wake up the majority? To, in terms of, to find tactful ways—for example, in the Puerto Rican Parade, maybe there’d be a moment of silence, maybe there’d be the extreme of making some noise and scream, OK? What expressions or any one recommendation, in terms of the words of action, not extreme, but in terms of the level of the people?

LAROUCHE: Well you find that very few people, very few nations really have a good working understanding of these problems. The point is, the way to do it is to go and defend all people, the best we can, by setting a standard which all people have a right to share their own way, but to know that they have freedom. That’s what we mean generally as human freedom. And everyone has a right to human freedom. And therefore, that’s what you have to fight for. You cannot discriminate against some part of humanity; you’ve got to recognize that all of humanity, whether they’re badly behaved or not, they are still human beings, and they have to be treated and developed as human beings. You don’t improve people by trying to scare them; you improve them, by giving them a view that they have a right, and that they have other nations nearby, who also have the same rights and share those rights, and think about what the future of mankind is. What is important for mankind’s existence? Very few people on this planet know. The time has come to wake them up.

Q: [follow up] I agree. We need to shake ’em up. That’s what I like. I like action. Shake ’em up.

SPEED: That’s good. [laughs]

Q: [Diane Sare] Hi. Just again, my question is similar to what Daniel was raising in terms of the people here in this area, who obviously, we have a very important responsibility to the nation to get at this, and I was thinking of the difference between simply what people consider courage or courageous and another word which is defiant, and this came to mind when I saw the interview with the former deputy fire commissioner, who heard about the Saudis trying run financial warfare against the United States if the Congress were to pass legislation either on the 28 pages or to allow them to be prosecuted, and he said, "Who cares about their money? Three thousand American lives are worth more than that." And when you hear someone speak in that way, then a lot of smallness shatters, because what you realize what you’ve been tolerating, or what you’ve been thinking you’re fighting for, is too small. And I think partly people have courage, because you have to get over the fear of death, and the question is what is worth dying for? Would I die for some minuscule detail of something, or would I die for something that is the principle that relates to mankind as a whole?

So, at any rate, it just struck me, because you keep saying that whenever you hear someone saying, "I want to be practical," that they should be, at least taken off the stage, or worse; and I think that that is a function, in a sense, of the fear. So, I’m not exactly sure how to better phrase this, but I think there is a quality of real defiance where you get to a point, as happened in East Germany, or you can think of certain leaders today, like Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, who should’ve bowed to the vulture funds, and she refused. That is that quality is what we need, and when people stand with that quality, then it has the effect of shattering the fear and the toleration, and people shake themselves, and say, "Well, why was I putting up with that crap, anyway?"

LAROUCHE: Well, first thing is you have to go back to basics, and the basics are registered in the thinking and education of human beings. And if they don’t have those abilities, then they are helpless to solve their problems.

Now what’s the whole thing about? We’re talking about humanity. What we’re doing here, looking at this thing from Manhattan. What are we looking at? Now Manhattan has a very peculiar, specific kind of case. It’s a center for the summation, of the people of the United States. It is the true point of summation of the development of United States, in principle.

Now there are a lot of errors in Manhattan, a lot of bad practices in Manhattan, or drunken practices, or whatever you want. But, Manhattan is characteristic of the United States. It doesn’t mean it’s like many people of the United States. It means that the United States as defined by Alexander Hamilton, in particular, under his leadership, Lincoln, and so forth, these figures, represent a quality of mankind, which is very special. And mankind represents that kind of very special national population. And that’s what the issue is all about.

Because, what’s the truth about life? We all die. All human beings so far, on the record, seem to have died. Therefore, what’s the meaning of human life? The meaning of human life is to stimulate the education of people, the development of people, their skill, their aptitudes, their perspectives. What you want is human beings, who are better than any generation of human beings beforehand. That’s mankind’s intention. It’s not the intention of every person, but that’s my intention for every human being, for example, that mankind must become something greater.

What’s going on in the Universe these days? Pay some attention to the Universe! Don’t be so close tied! Galactic systems! Galactic systems are dominant! They’re crucial! Life depends upon Galactical systems! So what do you want? You want a child to grow up and to become able to perform actions, which no human being has ever been able to do on Earth! And that is the standard you have to measure by. Can you contribute to helping mankind, children, for example, the children of parents, who were not so smart, and you get those children to become educated to develop in a way to deal with Galactic factors, global international factors, other kinds of factors?

So mankind is not something which is born and dies. Mankind is something which is intended, to live and to develop capabilities which mankind has not been able to do before. And don’t think small. Think big.

Q: Hello Mr. LaRouche, my name is M— M— this is my first time here. I’m from New Jersey, and I have a cousin who’s senator of Baltimore. And I had in-depth conversations with her about Glass-Steagall, and other people that’re involved in there. And when you mention Glass-Steagall, they’re fully aware, but it’s like a curse-word. They don’t want to shake up the status quo. They’re really afraid to try to take that giant leap.

And we are Americans, we as a people, we have social media today, that’s astronomical throughout the country! We have a youth that, that’s all they know is social media. And I have young nephews and all, I try to educate them and let them know what’s going on and all, but, they’re like cattle. You can’t — if it’s not something that it’s not a fad, or they can’t enjoy it, they have no interest. We have to wake up the youth.

The piggy bank, the last person she was speaking on, — I’m part Native American, my people had the only black-owned cotton gin in North Carolina, so we’ve been here since before America was started. And we shouldn’t be like cattle! What’s going to wake us up? Does it always take a coup d’état to make a change? We have to make a change: Each one of us sitting here today, everybody listening to you. I came aboard with you years ago, and I was astounded. I couldn’t believe somebody finally tells the truth. They say "the truth will set you free" but why are we not free? Why are we not waking up? Everybody is just going through the motions every day. They wake up, go to work, do what they got to do, but they’re like zombies.

LAROUCHE: Well, I wouldn’t say that; it’s not quite that case. But the problem is, we have miseducated people in schools, we have miseducated the culture in human practice. The common things are "you are nothing." The common attitude, "You ain’t nothing." That’s a common attitude. "Who are you? What’re you talking about? What’re you thinking? Why do you say that? Who wants to hear what you have to say?" That’s the kind of thing you’re talking about.

The point is, the question is, what is a human being? A human being comes along, it’s going to die, OK, you’re satisfied with that? Hmm? Or are you demanding that the human species, collectively, develop itself to become a superior species? And you know, this is going to happen, where? It’s going to happen in the Moon! It’s going to happen in the Moon in the coming two years.

And China is going to develop the back side of the Moon, and find out what the back side of the Moon is made of. You’re going to find other phenomena of this types in space, that space is full of all of these kind of things, which will happen, which can happen.

So don’t give up on this kind of thing. Don’t give up on that. The question is, reach out, don’t accept smallness. Do not accept smallness. Humility is one thing. Smallness is disgusting.

Q: Hi Lyn, this is Denis Ham. I wanted to get up here after Diane spoke because I think she really hit the nail on the head in talking about getting rid of fear. And I’ve been associated with your since 1974, and the first week that decided to join the Labor Committees, I was punched in the face by an FBI person, and had to go to trial which they ended up throwing out.

I also know from the FBI what they did, is they is they were calling my house. I’d answer the phone, and they would go through various things, attacking me. So what I did, on the advice of my husband Roger, is, when they called me, I would say, "Why don’t you go and suck dead dogs’ dicks?" [laughter] When I said that, I didn’t get another call! Not another call! And this is, to me, how we have to think about what the FBI is. And say it, "You guys suck..." whatever.

Then also, I had a situation around 1986, we were living in Yonkers at the time. What happened was, my apartment was robbed. I had five cats at the time. The door was broken down and my cats were all there saying "Mommy! Where you been?" We went in, and they had tore everything to pieces; they took our stereo equipment, all of my operas. And basically, the way I knew that they had been there, was I found that two of my cats were pregnant. [laughter]

Anyways, I just wanted to bring that up to you, and see if you have any response to that?

LAROUCHE: This really a fair description of the characteristics of the FBI. That’s the FBI! That’s what it is: It’ll get your kittens a little bogged.

SPEED: OK, next? Who’s going to follow that?

Q: Hi Mr. LaRouche. I want to know, after all these years, I want to know how do you understand your own personality? And particularly I’m kind of curious to understand, how you understand joy?

LAROUCHE: Well, I have plenty of it. I’m filled with that! I love that thing, I love achievements; I love the futures of humanity. You know, and I love particularly, the children who are not yet born, who will be the children who will actually develop something from within themselves, which will bring mankind into a higher realm of understanding of what the mission of humanity is and who create something new for humanity.

Look, you have this group in China, who are operating on the Moon operation. It’s going to take about two decades to fulfill that immediate proposal on this thing. Now, what this will mean, will mean that you’re talking about bringing human beings, implicitly, or finding the vehicle for human beings, who can become greater powers for mankind than ever known before. And that’s what China is doing with the Moon project! This is part of an outgrowth of the space program, which was the thing that was shut down by Obama! The space program was shut down by Obama! The future of the United States was shut down by Obama and by the British Queen, and by all other freakish people.

So therefore, the question is, is how do you bring out in people, the potency to understand, how to break through, to break through and to get control, over Solar System functions? Over higher level functions, like the Moon project that China’s working on for the twenty odd years. This is the future!

Mankind is not a creature of the Earth! Mankind is a creature which is destined to be a species which permeates the influence of man throughout the Universe, in large degrees. And therefore, you want to be a space person. You would like to be a successful space person, to have achievements like people who have made achievements in that direction.

Now, the people who are doing these things now, have limited capabilities. But if those capabilities are developed, those people will also have greater powers of development. And mankind’s destiny is there. It was that, at the point when we started this whole space program, and it’s there now, still. But it’s something that requires further development of the powers of mankind. If we will struggle to win the powers of mankind, mankind becomes a species, not of Earth, but of the Solar System, and more far-reaching areas, and that’s what you want. You want to have your children, or at least some of them, living in space, like some of the people in China, who are going to spend time for one year or two years in terms of service, in trying to test the program for the Moon program. And that means something beyond that.

Those are the kinds of things that you want to do. Those are the things that are grandeur, which really make you feel good about yourself.

Q: [follow-up] I really admire that ambition and drive. The question that I wanted to ask though was, how do you understand the phenomenology of personality? And how does that integrate into the thinking that you promote around development? For instance, someone who surfs in California, and just enjoys surfing, how does someone like that integrate into this program of development?

LAROUCHE: Probably doesn’t. [laughter] It probably doesn’t work, in the majority of cases!

The point is — see, what is mankind? Now mankind is a very peculiar species, because we have done very little study of the matter. But we do know about Mars. We do know about the colonization of Mars. We do know about the colonization of various parts of the Solar System and beyond. We do know that these areas are areas which are accessible to human control. And we are going to take charge, of areas, in which mankind will be able to express powers of development, which mankind has never known before. That was assigned: We’re going to go where mankind has never gone before. And that passion is the thing that really makes living good.

Q: [alvin] Lyn, I wanted to follow up with you and I thought, I mean, we’re talking about the FBI a lot, and I really enjoyed Denise’s suggestions.

In New York here, we’re starting work now on several Spirituals and they’re very beautiful, but they’re powerful. And in leading into our last rehearsal, Diane summarized a particular story on Frederick DouGlass-from his autobiography, on how he remained strong in will, and defeated the slave breaker, a man who had a reputation for breaking tough slaves. And DouGlass-defined that as a turning point in his life, as a 17-year-old.

And when you echo this, or consider this with the population enduring psychological beatings and being as demoralized and as whipped as it is, particularly with Obama in office and having that type of fear, the entire rehearsal and the nature of the work takes on a more significant, deeper meaning; and it’s something, again, we’re not merely singing. So, in order for mankind to survive, here in Manhattan, and for those — ’cause this FBI thing keeps coming up. And you should have felt the shudder that took place in this room, when you described the FBI in these very clear terms.

So people are afraid, and we shouldn’t act otherwise, but maybe if I keep singing, I’ll get over it.

LAROUCHE: It’s like a cannibal tribe, they go out and eat people. That’s the effect.

Q: My name is G—; I’m from Pakistan. And my question is, like aftermath of 9/11 has very disturbing like social [inaudible 1.03.08] in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Middle East. In your opinion, what do you think is coming next to those areas?

LAROUCHE: Well, right now, what we’re facing is, the edge of a general thermonuclear war throughout the planet, which is ready to actually exterminate most of humanity, if not all of it. And that’s what we’re trying to prevent from happening. And the problem is, that Obama is the key force designated, to bring about that destruction of all humanity. So therefore, we’ve got to get Obama, and what he represents, and people who represent similar things, get them out of power, and do it quick! Because you have very little time left to make it.

Q: Good afternoon. My name is Leroy, and I need help with two of your points. One is that the space program was stopped by Obama. And given the fact that there is a military-industrial complex, how could he do that? Where did the money go? That would have normally gone into that?

Number 2 question, Mr. LaRouche, is, how does the space program help my people get jobs on Earth? How does that help them? I’m looking at the space program as being that which would satisfy the need of some people who haven’t been there, haven’t been in space. But in terms of the unemployed, whether you deal with New York, whether you deal with Brazil or any other country, how does that help them?

LAROUCHE: Well, first of all, if they don’t get that advantage, then what do they get? They get destitute. So therefore, you have to fight to gain those powers, and you have to demand that the society create the dispension of those powers. And we were doing that. After World War II, the space program, which was launched largely as a Moon project, from a certain tribe in Germany, and this program worked.

Now, he had a problem in life, because he had two kinds of living potential, and he couldn’t get both of them, so he died. And then later on, the program and the space program was continued, but then Obama came into existence. And I would say, the best way to approach this is, get rid of Obama and all people like him. Take him out of power. Because if you provide the kind of technology which mankind deserves, and deserves to have access, then mankind will get those advantages.

In my lifetime, we were still doing things, even under the conditions of the Depression; we were still making wonderful results under Franklin Roosevelt. What was wrong was the FBI! It was the FBI that killed the United States, and the FBI is an agent of the British system.

Therefore, if you want a solution, get rid of the FBI, get rid of the British system. Then you can win. If you just complain about it, you won’t win, you’ll lose. So therefore, you have to fight for the thing that will bring about the success. You won’t get it just by waiting for it; you have to go out there and get it, for everybody; for caring for everybody. Then people all have common reason, a common motive to realize what a good life can be.

Q: Hi Mr. LaRouche, C— from New York. In 1998, Halliburton had bought Dresser Industries, which was responsible for asbestos removal in the World Trade Center, which was a money-losing project built by David Rockefeller. At the same time, you have, on the day before 9/11, on 9/10, Rumsfeld had come out with missing $2.3 trillion in Pentagon, and subsequently the attacks happened the day after. I mean, how does this all fall into...

SPEED: Could you repeat it? Some people couldn’t hear you.

Q: [follow-up] OK. In ’98, you had Halliburton had purchased Dresser Industries, which was responsible for supposed asbestos removal at the World Trade Center. And also at the same time is you have, subsequently Larry Silverstein had purchased the property six weeks prior to this. Now, $2.3 trillion was also reported on 9/10, reported missing from the Pentagon from Rumsfeld. How does this all fall into the same cabal?

LAROUCHE: I don’t quite get it. The details are left out of that.

SPEED: I can try to summarize.

LAROUCHE: You I can hear.

SPEED: OK, what happened was the questioner was asking about two things: I remember the second one which was Larry Silverstein’s purchase of the World Trade Center some six weeks before it collapsed; the other was that, the day before 9/11, Rumsfeld reported that there was $2.3 trillion missing from the Pentagon; and the first thing had to do with Halliburton had a company called Dresser Industries and they were responsible for removing the asbestos from the World Trade Center. He’s asking a series of questions related to 9/11, whether or not these matters are pertinent to what happened the day of 9/11?

LAROUCHE: Yeah. Well, in that area, because there was a lot of things that happened in that area. It was a relatively short period of time, the lapse of time. It was a horrible show! You know, I watched the whole thing, and I was watching the whole thing, with the planes which had been taken over by the Saudis.

The Saudis had taken over a plane, been trained to do it, were trained by the Saudi institution and families themselves. And they took all these people, with the people going out, dying, in the southern part of Manhattan. And it was being done, always by the Saudis. Every killing there, was done by the Saudis, as their agents and their authorization. What happened to those people in the southern quarter, of Manhattan, was a general killing, in that entire region. I watched it, by televised communication. I watched it! I saw cities’ structures that I’d known for years, and they were all melting away! The death rate was awesome!

I’ve got a strong stomach on this kind of thing, I was able to just realize, and capture, exactly what was going on. And there are many people in Manhattan who will say, "I don’t know about that!" But the only reason they didn’t get a chance, was because there weren’t enough places in Manhattan to fill up the dead. This happened! This was what happened to the United States! This is what happened to Manhattan! This is what happened. I watched it! I watched it on a photographic tracking device; I saw it!

And I saw what the reaction was, and I saw the members of Congress, covering over, on this massive killing of people in Manhattan! It is still treated that way.

No, this is something which is unforgiveable. And the FBI, of course, is a typical expression of that kind of thing, because it’s the FBI that protects that operation. And every member of the FBI who’s culpable in this thing, should be kicked out of office. This is an unforgiveable crime! Which happened in Manhattan. And the crime was committed by the Saudis. It was committed by the British system, and it’s still going on around the world today. And in the United States, there’s no will, to deal with this thing to speak of.

But if we don’t deal with that thing, and recognize what it is, and don’t act on that principle, no, there’s not going to be much left on the planet.

SPEED: OK, this is going to be our final question.

Q: Yeah, this is a tall girl, Lyndon. S— from Manhattan. The first time I read Children of Satan III, I was appalled by the likening to a mold, with a mycelia perhaps, that completely consumed a strawberry; and yesterday, it was perfect!

OK, you have positive here, you have negative here. Having read the Children of Satan and then just finished Dope, Inc., you really have to wonder how you carry on, when the people who are supposed to represent you, are this mold.

I don’t know if I’ve made my point correctly. But I think you understand. Prometheus is having a hard time, again. So, would you comment please? How do you change, so that we can be more builders than those who are destroying it?

LAROUCHE: Well, I know what I do. And I don’t think that what I do is any different than what you should be doing, if you can do it. [applause]

SPEED: All right. There are many people that came today that are new; and there are a lot of people who are here who have been part of working with you for a long time, so it’s arc. But I particularly would say, about the last two answers you gave, it’s sort of important that people not pretend they’re more afraid than they actually are. In other words, we can do what you have outlined. It is clear that we are capable, both as Americans and as New Yorkers, to carry out what you have initiated. I mean, the Manhattan project has been going on for a while. You’ve been here, week after week. Yes, for people who are new, it’s your first time.

But I’d like to just say something, or have you say something, in conclusion about not really the capacity for fighting, you’ve already demonstrated that. But why is it, that when people join together, as they do, let’s say, for example, in a chorus, or in an army, why is it that they can always actually triumph over evil, if they bother to make their humanity the center of their fight, rather than some little issue, or some particular concern?

LAROUCHE: Well, I think the problem is that people are not willing, to stand up to what the actually apparent requirements are. Like, you know, the history of professionals, or students, for example, good students; they will work hard in order to achieve, what they know is important. And when people lose that sense of being charged with "I have to be committed for this thing; I’m for this; I have to support it; I have to invoke people to understand this and see it for themselves." That kind of thing, that’s what the issue is. What’s the meaning of a birth of a child? What defines the nature of a birth of a child?

What’s the difference, of a successful birth of a child or the successful development of a child, or the progressive advantages given to the child, and achievements which the growing child may be able to achieve? These are the things which are crucial. For the important thing is how do we drive society to understand, that this is what the issue is? That is the issue! And they ought to stick to that issue, and find other things will then come to them.

SPEED: OK very good. So, I think that’s probably your summary, am I right. You got anything else for us?

LAROUCHE: I’m happy!

SPEED: All right, very good! So we’ll see you again next week — after we do some work!

LAROUCHE: OK, have fun! [applause]