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Terrorism! Trump Must Drop It, and Stay with the New Paradigm

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LPAC—Even while President Donald Trump was engaged in unmentionable ceremonies with the Saudi golden calf-worshipers Sunday, the new paradigm of China’s Belt and Road Initiative was being prominently reported in the Gulf States’ newspapers. And Iran — a crucial nation in development of the new Eurasian Land-Bridges — was responding amicably to Trump’s extreme provocations, by simply offering to wait and assuming he would come to a more sensible policy!

Saudi Arabia is the place that educated virtually all the principal Islamist extremists and terrorists in the world. It is not going to help a U.S. President rebuild the city against which it launched destruction 15 years ago — no more than it will rebuild Yemen which it has leveled and tormented now. For that matter, Saudi Arabia has been cancelling its own power and other infrastructure projects since the oil price went down — the exact opposite of China’s "win-win" Belt and Road great projects.

Even more important than the news of the extraordinary success of the Belt and Road summit in Beijing hitting the press in the Gulf while the President was there, was the content of that news. It focused on the 30-year "World Land-Bridge" campaign of Lyndon and Helga LaRouche, which was the seed of today’s successful "New Silk Road" initiative of China. The extraordinary account by Dr. Ahmed Al-Kedidi appeared in the Qatari and Omani state newspapers and various other private papers and websites in the Gulf over the weekend.

Lyndon LaRouche noted today that this echoes the increasingly important role Helga Zepp-LaRouche — who spoke at events during the Beijing Summit — is playing in the development of the "Belt and Road" into the World Land-Bridge. This, while the Pacific region is becoming economically more predominant and growing faster.

President Trump urgently needs to be refocused on rebuilding and recovery in the United States — especially in his own home city of New York, whose metropolitan area is turning into a dangerous infrastructural disaster zone. The simplest intra-metropolitan trips have become dangerous and uncertain to millions. Actions are needed there immediately, and continuing, LaRouche said; a committee of experts should form up to demand it.

When Trump did focus on such rebuilding, President Xi of China and Prime Minister Abe of Japan came to meet him with definite plans for investments in new transportation infrastructure, of which they are the world champion builders now. That is the new paradigm, from great projects, to space exploration and fusion research — all in cooperation among nations.

And for security and the fight against terrorism as well, the relationship with Russia is still the strategic one for the Trump Administration, as well as Russia’s own relationship with Iran.

The American people are not going to forget who sponsored the 9/11 attackers, not after they fought Bush and Obama to get that "secret" information disclosed. President Trump must look to the new paradigm for cooperation in what he promised those Americans he would do.