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Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s weekly international webcast
Global Policy Increasingly Shaped by China’s New Silk Road : Time for U.S. to Join

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Join us for Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s weekly international webcast. The discussion at this year’s just-concluded Davos conference was shaped by the keynote address given last year, by China’s President Xi Jinping, and by the continuing development of the Belt-and-Road Initiative (BRI). The presentation this year, by Chinese economic adviser Liu He, provided a rallying point for those attending who were not fooled by the cheerleading of the global stock market bubble, as he made clear that the model of China’s economic development, which has dramatically reduced poverty there, can be applied to accomplish that objective worldwide. Much of the world is not just listening, but joining with China. It is now time for the United States to fully engage in the BRI.