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As Financial System Teeters, a New Bretton Woods is the Solution

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SI—Only a fool could ignore the signs of an impending crash of the financial system. The whole international order is disintegrating, driven by the efforts of City of London/Wall Street financial oligarchs to grab more loot to prop up their speculative economy, and its volume of unsustainable debts of all sorts.

At the same time, LaRouche’s call for an agreement among major powers is becoming a reality. LaRouche proposed an alliance between the U.S., Russia, China and India to form the core of establishing a New Bretton Woods. The advances made in the last years, centered around China’s Belt-and-Road Initiative, and the election of Donald Trump in the U.S., represent the only way out, for if the unilateralist geopoliticians maintain control, the world is heading for financial chaos and war.

Schiller Institute Launches Urgent International Petition Drive For A New Bretton Woods Conference

The Leaders of the United States, Russia, China and India Must Take Action ! Read and Sign the petition