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Arab League Votes To Suspend Syria

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The Arab League buckled under enormous external and internal (Saudi) pressure today, and voted to suspend Syria’s membership in the League if the Syrian government doesn’t fulfill its demands, such as withdrawing troops from Syrian cities. Those demands quite deliberately ignore what everyone knows: that Syrian forces are under attack by thousands of armed troops sponsored by Turkey on behalf of the British and the Saudis, rather than merely civilian demonstrators.

The vote sets a deadline of Nov. 16 for Syria to either "stop" its "violence" or be expelled from the League, and comes as part of the drive for regime change from London, as a deliberate step into World War III. The Associated Press notes in its coverage that it was a similar Arab League resolution that paved the way for the toppling of Libya’s Muammar Qaddafi by NATO last month, but Qatar Foreign Minister Hamad bin Jassam insists that’s not going to happen in Syria. "No one is talking about a no-fly zone, people are trying to mix up the cases," he said. "None of us is talking about that kind of decision."

London and its puppet Obama in Washington certainly are, and the League is playing into that Anglo-American game. The League also called for the opposition factions to unify so that the League could discuss the possibility of recognizing the Syrian National Council as sole representative of the Syrian people,— that is, de-recognize Syria’s government.

The original Arab League proposal was aimed at avoiding a replay of the Libya regime change, because particularly, the Saudis feared that another regime change would inevitably lead to serious problems in the Kingdom, as well as other strongman regimes in the Persian Gulf, which treat their populations worse than the Syrians. Now, however, according to a senior U.S. intelligence source, the pressure, particularly from the Europeans, is to up the ante. The next step, the source reported, will be an attempt to impose new sanctions on Syria, knowing that Russia and China will veto. This will broaden the conflict onto the strategic plane, given that both Russia and China are convinced that the United States, Britain, and France are going for a new Sykes-Picot domination over the entire extended Eastern Mediterranean-Persian Gulf region and the oil and gas flows, through regime change in Syria and Iran, on top of Iraq and Libya.

But in reality, the true game plan is a British directed world war to reduce the world’s population.