Committee for the Republic of Canada
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News / Brèves

In Burnaby, BC General Fusion is working on the creation of a prototype magnetized target fusion power plant

3 October 2013

(CRC)—General Fusion’s website describes its’ goal as « transforming the world’s energy supply by developing the fastest, most practical, and lowest cost path to commercial fusion power ».

The founder, Dr. Michel Laberge realized that Magnetized Target Fusion, with the aid of modern electronics, materials, and advances in plasma physics, could provide a faster, lower cost, and more practical path to fusion power:

MTF’s advantages stem from its hybrid nature. MTF uses some magnetic field to confine the plasma, allowing for slower compression using mechanical systems. Magnetic fields in MTF are short-lived, avoiding complex plasma sustainment technologies. By comparison, Inertial Confinement’s fast compression requires high power lasers. Magnetic Confinement’s long plasma life requires massive superconducting magnets, particle beams, and exotic materials.” (source:

Canadian Manufacturing wrote a comprehensive article on General Fusion on May 02, 2012 entitled Canadian firm pursues mechanical approach to fusion energy (available here).

Michael Delage of General Fusion will be a panelist at the inaugural Future of Nuclear Conference to be held in Toronto on October 9.