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Schiller Institute 30th Anniversary Conference
Helga Zepp-LaRouche: A New Era of Mankind

20 October 2014

Rainer Appel

Frankfurt—The Schiller Institute’s international conference, "The New Silk Road and China’s Lunar Program — Mankind Is the Only Creative Species!" was opened today in Frankfurt, Germany, with a keynote by the institute’s President Helga Zepp-LaRouche, who conveyed greetings to the event from Lyndon H. LaRouche at the beginning. She said that mankind is threatened by the worst genocide in its entire history, caused — if not stopped — by three mortal dangers posed at the same time:

(1) the IS terrorism that can blow up the entire Southwest Asia region and lead to World War III;

(2) the rapid spreading of the Ebola disease into a pandemic of global scope; and (3) a new financial crash much worse than in 2008. None of these is inevitable, they’re manmade and can therefore be remedied by man.

LaRouche warned against this development in his 1999 film Storm Over Asia, exposing the New Great Game against Russia and China; the "Islamic Card" which is instrumental in that game now, goes back to the 1975 Trilateral Commission meeting in Kyoto, the "regime change" policy has been added, these policies put into practice under the Blair Doctrine in Iraq 2003, then in Libya, Syria, Ukraine. The Islamic State (IS) commander, actually a Chechen, declared that Putin is the ultimate target of this terrorist movement, and the Right Sector in Ukraine is working in the same direction. On July 4th this year, the IS proclaimed the "New Caliphate," extending as far as to Xinjiang, China. The publication in the U.S. of the 28-page chapter of the Joint Congress Inquiry into 9/11, would expose the channels of financing and coordination of this terror movement, the remarks that Joe Biden and Bob Graham made on Oct. 9 have addressed that.

The situation can and will be changed by the BRICS and the nations that associate themselves with it, establishing a Treaty of Westphalia paradigm as opposed to the Blair Doctrine of new global warfare under the pretext of so-called "humanitarian intervention." The BRICS paradigm is the priority of peace and respect of the other, the common aims of mankind, will replace geopolitics. Chinese President Xi Jinping has stressed that there cannot be security in the world if some nations have peace and others haven’t.

As for the Ebola threat, the mortality rate in parts of West Africa is 70-80%, its exponential growth of up to 20,000 new cases in a single week will lead to 1.5 million infected humans by January 2015, and to just give some aspirin to the patients won’t save their lives. LaRouche warned in 1972 already against the biological consequences of the IMF policies, and these policies were proclaimed in 1974 the National Security Study Memorandum-200 (NSSM-200) doctrine of Henry Kissinger stating that population growth was a strategic threat because too many humans would absorb all the raw materials, there are remarks in the same evil spirit by Prince Philip and Bertrand Russell. The CDC warned in 2008 against the genocidal consequences of the health budget cuts, and today we indeed see the medical personnel of nations completely unprepared for dealing with crises like Ebola. The EU-ECB-IMF Troika budget-cutting policies have had disastrous consequences in Spain, Greece, Portugal. What must be done immediately to fight Ebola is the deployment of hospital ships of the navies of the world, the transformation of buildings in West Africa into level 4 hospitals, and cooperation of the transatlantic nations with the BRICS. We need a health crash program, not the profiteers of the pharmaceutical industry.

As for the new global financial crash, it was forecast by LaRouche already on Aug. 15, 1971, and addressed by the new UN envoy Jean Ziegler a few days ago when he said the present financial system is cannibalistic, the worst elements of it being the vulture funds. The TBTF banks are in worse shape than in 2008—and the three said crises converging on us at the same time are threatening all of us.

The alternative is however already in preparation, taking up the earlier impulse of the Non-Aligned Movement with the BRICS, with the announcement of the New Silk Road policy by Xi Jinping in 2013, the Fortaleza, Brazil summit and related diplomacy in July 2014. The new policy is not a new geopolicy, it is principles of a new credit system excluding speculation, with the three new institutions Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, New Development Bank, Shanghai Cooperation Bank. New great projects, resembling China’s Three Gorges Dam, have been put on the agenda, canal and railroad projects, nuclear power and space projects, there is the spirit of a real renaissance in the BRICS, diametrically opposed to the pessimist view of the trans-Atlantic world.

We can see this new diplomacy working on a new level, for instance in the remarks that Xi Jinping recently made in India, where he called on the people to absorb the ancient wisdom of China and India and build a new wisdom of the future, always viewing the other’s success one’s own success. We must highlight the highest levels of culture in each nation, Confucius and Mencius, the Vedic writings, the Tagore Einstein dialogue, Pushkin and Vernadsky, Plato, Da Vinci, Cervantes, Rabelais, Cusanus, Kepler, Leibniz, Schiller, Beethoven—we need, as Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said just recently, a new mass movement for development. Look at the world two generations ahead of us, prevent a New Dark Age through policies driven by a positive vision of the future, with raw materials security for all of mankind, with the expansion to the Moon, the Solar System and the universe as a whole, we have to elevate mankind with the New Silk Road principles, a Promethean design for the future.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche concluded by showing a clip on the Chinese Chang’e-3 lunar mission with the Yutu rover and Classical music in the background, and — to the applause of the conference’s audience — the recently published world map drawn by China which shows Eurasia and America touching hands similar to the depiction in the famous painting showing God touching hands with Adam.

An overflow audience of 350 people attended the two-day conference, with representatives and speakers participating from Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Russia, Ukraine, China, the United States, Iran, India, Serbia, and a number of African states.