Committee for the Republic of Canada
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News / Brèves

Chaos and Confusion Campaign — Look for the British Spoor

3 October 2017

LPAC—The history of Empire is the history of "divide and conquer." At a moment of transformation in human history, as we are experiencing today, with the great potential for a new paradigm for all Mankind based on the New Silk Road policy for global development, one should look at major destabilizations with a sharp sense of smell, for the filthy spoor of Empire.

As Helga Zepp-LaRouche reminded the world today: the Nation State is the enemy of Empire. The British Empire has always promoted the idea of a "Europe of the regions," based on ethnic and religious differences, convenient for destabilizations of uncooperative nation states. Who is behind the Catalonia crisis, threatening not only Spain but all of Europe? Who divided Cameroon into English and French speaking sectors after World War I, and activated the call for independence of the Anglophone sector at this time, leading to 17 deaths today and potential chaos tomorrow? Note that China is now Cameroon’s leading trading partner, as it is with nations across most of Africa, and is, for example, building an undersea cable from Cameroon to Brazil that will serve all the nations of Africa and South America.

Why has Israel so openly supported the Kurdish referendum, which destabilizes not only Iraq, but also Iran, Syria, and Turkey, whose governments have been targeted by London and Wall Street?

The very strange, horrific murder spree in Las Vegas must not be dismissed without following the spoor, rather than accepting the "lone assassin" story which has so often been used to obscure the truth.

Perhaps the most classic case of British divide and conquer is the setting in motion of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which has been used to divide the entire world for the last century. Today, it is a test case for the two paradigms facing mankind. Today, the two Palestinian movements, Fatah and Hamas, are meeting in Gaza to discuss reconciliation of Palestinian governance. Most press accounts and "expert analysis" dismiss this effort as doomed, for the same reasons that similar efforts have failed in the past.

But there is a difference today — the Belt and Road Initiative. A Palestinian businessman, Munib Al-Masri, announced on Sunday a plan to create a company devoted to developing projects in the Gaza Strip in support of China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Al-Masri is deputy chairman of the International Chamber of Commerce for the Silk Road. The chairman of this institution, Lu Jianzhong, who is President of CCCC International Holding Limited in China, has been involved in building infrastructure across Africa, and visited the West Bank last week, meeting with President Abbas and Economy Minister Odeh.

It is precisely the New Silk Road which can change the Imperial geometry of history, and which can create peace through development. The reconstruction of Syria, for example, has already begun through the international cooperation of Russia, China, and others involved in the Belt and Road process.

There is every reason to believe that this historic New Silk Road process can succeed in truly uniting the world in the new paradigm. President Trump has said that he wants to make America great again through cooperation with other great nation states, which each put their nation and people first, but work together in harmony with all other nation states. This was the basis of the Peace of Westphalia of 1648, ending the religious wars in Europe and creating the modern nation state. This is the harmony of Confucius, which has inspired China’s miraculous rise out of poverty over the past decades after the nightmare of the Cultural Revolution.

The coup attempt against President Trump by the criminal gang around Robert Mueller can and must be crushed, using the LaRouchePAC and EIR dossier prepared for that purpose. It is precisely the cooperation between the United States, Russia, and China in the New Silk Road which addresses the common interests of all nations and all peoples, as has been the mission of the EIR, LaRouchePAC and the Schiller Institute since their founding. This is our time.

Robert Mueller Is an Amoral Legal Assassin: He Will Do His Job If You Let Him