Committee for the Republic of Canada
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News / Brèves

Introducing the Arabic-Language Course on LaRouche’s Ideas on Physical Economy

3 December 2019

LPAC—Hussein Askary, Southwest Asia coordinator for the Schiller Institute and Executive Intelligence Review magazine, and long-time collaborator of Lyndon and Helga LaRouche, has just launched an Arabic-language course on LaRouche’s concepts of Physical Economy. The courses are available at and include Arabic-language editions of LaRouche’s book, "So, You Wish to Learn About Economics?" and Volume I of "The New Silk Road Becomes the World Landbridge."

Hear Askary’s bold and visionary plan to bring the most profound concepts in human economics to one of the most war-torn regions of the planet, the only way, Hussein asserts, that can guarantee true peace in the region and on the planet.