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Weekly Report with Lyndon LaRouche

21 September 2011

LPAC-TV Weekly Report with Lyndon LaRouche


JOHN HOEFLE: Hello, welcome to the LaRouche PAC Weekly Report for Sept. 21st, 2011. I’m John Hoefle and with me in the studio today, are Sky Shields, from the Basement, Alicia Cerretani from LPAC-TV, and Lyndon LaRouche. So, Sky?

SKY SHIELDS: It’s an exciting period to be having this discussion right now. If people have maybe seen discussions on the site, we’ve thrown around the world "phase shifts" often, but right now, I think we’re really in a period that really tells you what that word means: That we’re in the middle of a systemic transformation. There’s no single event that’s happening right now, but rather watching the collapse of an entire world system. We’re watching, as far as financially is concerned, we’re watching the meltdown of a trans-Atlantic financial system; we’re at the end of this thing. You’re getting reports of collapse of everywhere from the U.S., through Europe. This is being accompanied by a total physical breakdown, that people can feel here, but also, at the same time, the meltdown of every structure that we ever once had — that people in the population once had faith in.

We’ve got a President, right now, who’s at the end of his rope, who’s impeachable for a number of different reasons, both for his own clear insanity, as has been expressed by a number of people near him, as well as for clear crimes against our Constitution, what you’ve seen launched in Libya. His clear allegiance to banking and financial interests, through these bailouts, rather than to the American people, that, at this point, everything that’s been established as a system, is at the point of collapse.

What that presents us with, right now, is what are the policies that are going to replace what has gone on over the last several decades. How do we shape the world for the next decades to come, in response to where we’ve been over the decades prior?

Now, you, Lyn, have put forward a very clear proposal in the recent period, for a three-powers agreement; that is, once we accomplish the elimination of this current President, the elimination of Barack Obama from his position of power, and once we establish the basic foundation for recovery, which is the Glass-Steagall program for the separation of speculation from real human banking operations, once we’ve done that, then we’ve got to establish a relationship among the three major world powers, of the U.S., Russia, and China, around rebuilding this planet.

Now, this is going to take the form of some things we’ve been discussing on this site, some major infrastructure development projects. Now some people may be happy about that, just because of the name and the idea, but I think what we’re in a position to present here, is that what we mean by this — these are not simply "nice" projects, these are not simply exciting projects to launch. What we’re really talking about the evolutionary development of the human species. What are the next steps that are required for the human species as a whole, and how are these powers going to accomplish it?

Now, in order to discuss that, we’re going to have to get into a very serious discussion which you’ve been directing, recently, in a paper I’ve seen some previews of, of what does it mean to be a human being? What exactly do we mean by that?

LYNDON LAROUCHE: Well, the problem here is that we have accepted, for a long time, the human species has accepted what’s called the imperialist system. And this is the system of the worshippers of the Olympian Zeus, for example, and therefore, the idea is that mankind is a nuisance on the planet, we’ve got to keep the population down to a limit; we can’t let people become too skilled, we must avoid high technology, we must have a simple life, we must keep the ordinary people rather stupid and doing menial work, not really thinking and so forth. And the world is ruled by an imperial system, or what we call an imperial system today.

And in Europe, for example, the ancient Greek system, the Olympian system was exactly that. The Persian Empire was exactly that. Throughout the world, we’ve had these oligarchical systems, which treat human beings, in general, as cattle, for the pleasure, and for the pleasure of killing, ordinary people!

And so therefore, we’ve come to the point that people believe that we must not have too much energy, we must not have too much growth, all these things which will kill people. Now, what they’re doing — this is called the oligarchical system, that’s what it is. The Roman Empire, for example, is the typification of an oligarchical system. Now, the Roman Empire was followed by the Byzantine Empire which was the same piece of crap, the same evil; then you had a Venetian system, which replaced, succeeded, into the Middle Ages, and so forth, until we got the British Empire. And the British Empire, today, is openly, in its public statements, is calling for mass genocide, specifically to reduce the human species from presently about 7 billion people to less than 1! And that’s the official policy of the British monarchy; that is the official policy of much of the oligarchical principle. That’s the game that’s being played in Europe today; that’s the game that’s being played against the people of the United States, and so forth and so on.

The truth is, as we know from scientific studies, that the characteristic of nature, is that as the universe progresses, particularly our galactic system, our Solar System more narrowly, that the rate of energy-flux-density as it’s called, the intensity of power, has to increase; it increases naturally. As there’s the increase in required power, the power of the system increases, then you find that entire species which were once, for a time, dominant species in their time, suddenly become extinct. And you have similar quasi-extinction processes going on in between, all the time. Most of the animal species, that live, particularly furry animals and similar kinds, that live on this planet, live only because human beings protect them! We maintain cattle; we maintain all kinds of animal species which would not live without our special protection, because we depend upon them for some function which we depend upon.

So we’re now coming into a period, where we’re at a collision. The rate of power, of energy-flux-density, in the Solar System and in our particular Earth, that is increasing. It must increase, otherwise, we go down!

So therefore, we’ve come to a point that the oligarchical system, which demands population reductions, demands a lower energy-flux-density — for example, Germany: Germany is on the way to being extinct, right now! The nation of Germany, about to become extinct if this present policy goes on. Because the reduction in terms of the kinds of power used, to energize the German economy is such the German economy will disintegrate! The German nation, as a people, will essentially disappear, or approximate disappear. That’s the intention! That’s the British intention!

And you have Germans, who support this policy, and it’s potentially a majority today, in Germany. That means that the German people are going to extinguish themselves by their own hand, unless there’s a change.

So, these are the kinds of problems we face.

We also have a galactic problem, which we’ve studied in the Basement, extensively. The world is now becoming more and more dangerous to human beings, because in the progress of this change in the system, we’re having conditions that will kill human beings, where energy-flux-densities will kill masses of human beings, unless they’re protected.

So our problem is, is to go to much higher-technology kind of existence, to include those measures by which we can protect human beings against the increasing wave of high energy-flux-density, coming from space. All kinds of disturbances, weather disturbances, which are beyond anything the human species ever experienced before, are coming on us. So, only with an extreme science-driver program, really a space program-plus, as a standard of a policymaking for the people of the United States and the world in general; without that, the human species could become extinct, extinct by the hands of the British Empire, and similar kinds of institutions! But it’s not the British Empire in the ordinary sense. The British Empire is nothing but a certain extension of the oligarchical principle. And people who studied their ancient Greek, and know the ancient Greek language, the ancient Greek culture and so forth, wonder, why are they trying to kill off the Greek nation now, in Europe, at this time? Is it some kind of evil revenge, or is it evil forces of Zeus coming out to attack us again?

So we’re in a period where we are in the greatest crisis of civilization that we know of. The increasing natural threat, that the universe is getting, more and more, or at least our galaxy is getting more and more active, getting radiation bands which are becoming increasingly threatening to the human species. If we progress, in our technology, we can cope with that. If we don’t progress in our technology, we’re doomed. Therefore, all those people who are Greenies, really have to be told to shut up and do as they’re told, because if the Greenies ever take over this planet, you will probably have a mass extinction, like the dinosaurs, of the human species.

SHIELDS: And like you’re saying, that’s not speculation. This is what we know from the history of the biosphere. This is not the first time we’ve encountered — it’s the first time we, as a species have encountered this situation, but it’s not the first time as a biosphere that we’ve run into this.

LAROUCHE: And as people should be aware, there’s a half-billion years of our knowledge of life on Earth and its development, and also into adjoining areas, beside the Earth. And this is reality! And only if we progress, and stop the zero-growth program, go to a high-technology-driver program, to build up the power of the human species to cope with these changes in the galaxy, — and they are galactic changes — only then, can we say that we’re protecting human life. And I think our only motive, the only morality that makes any sense, is a natural morality, which is: Go to higher energy-flux-densities; keep pace with the universe, don’t fall behind, you may become extinct.

And this is very serious. It’s the most serious question on the planet, today. Because if we follow the British policy, if we follow the zero-growth policy, if we accept that policy, the human species can probably become near-extinction, and it might actually become extinct. Therefore, that has to be stopped! The zero-growth movement must be wiped out, or the human species may be wiped out. We don’t know if it’s an absolute, but we do know that it’s a threat; we do know that the rate of kill of human beings, throughout this planet, is going to increase, unless we get rid of what the British Empire and its zero-growth policy represents today.

ALICIA CERRETANI: Yeah, I think one of the really more, as a sort of an update to that picture, some of the discussion from the Basement, from Peter Martinson in particular, has been the hypothesis, and he’s covered this in a couple of the Weather Reports, is that our Sun is going into a sort of a retreat, you could say; is going into what we’ve known before as "solar minimums." There’s been a Dalton minimum, a Maunder minimum, and upon reflection sometimes you think of these things as a period of cold weather, or a mini-ice age.

But now we’re in a position to take a much more serious look at what that means for the planet, with the recent developments with the CERN experiment in Europe, what Svensmark has been looking at: that when there is not a whole lot of action from the Sun, the cosmic radiation from all different parts of our galaxy and beyond, can get to the Earth more quickly, and affect the planet’s climate at a greater rate than when the Sun is more active. So, if the Sun were to become less active, which is what Peter has made the forecast is what’s going on, different scientists have made the forecast that what’s going on, that means greater amounts of cosmic radiation are going to be reaching the planet and really wreaking havoc on our climate.

That’s like you said, that’s a fact. That’s not up for speculation, we at least know that much. And therefore you look at some of the severe weather events, just in the recent period, if this isn’t what leading political and scientific circles are concerning themselves with, then they’re not providing adequate leadership right now. This has to be the discussion, and it coheres very well with the kind of economic recovery that we’ve been talking about. Like I said, it’s not a coincidence, that what we’re discussing with NAWAPA, some of the things that the Russians are looking at with the development of Siberia, it’s not a coincidence that these things must happen now, in order to prepare ourselves for when the Sun, in a certain sense, "shuts down" for a little while.

LAROUCHE: Well, that’s what we’re now doing. I’ve got this special program which I’m writing out, which will probably take a few more weeks to do it, because it’s a scientific program, and it will be for many people a shocking experience to know that this is possible. But this is the only approach that I know of, — it’s a feasible approach, but it’s a very advanced one from the standpoint of most teachings — by which we can cope with the general fact, that our position in the galaxy is that we’re going through this minimum now. That we are now endangered, but we can cope with that, if we can increase our energy-flux-density, that our degree to control these environmental conditions within the Solar System and galaxy. And it can be done, but it requires a fresh look at what we call science.

And the evidence is there. A lot has to be done, a lot of people have to become familiar with this sort of thing which has been around for a long time, and there is a defense. I wouldn’t go through it here, what it is now, because it’s a bit complicated for a session like this! But, there are approaches, by which we can, as human beings, as a human species, we can invoke a better understanding of how this system works, and use that knowledge as we develop it, to provide for the opportunity for humanity, to get through this troublesome period, safely alive. That’s my intention at my age; I can devote the rest of my life, such as it is, to this thing.

But this is what we have to do. We have to understand that it is possible for mankind through science, and through the real application of science, to break into new areas of experimentation, by which we can begin to control some of these forces which threaten us. And it is possible; it has to be done on a very advanced scale, a very concentrated scale, but it can be done.

CERRETANI: Let me ask you this, because you had said it yesterday in a meeting. We were talking about policy for the United States, in collaboration with China and Russia, or with Europe; and we’re talking policy, we’re talking about something like NAWAPA, bio-engineering, you had made the point about job creation and about making a priority of investment into high-productive jobs. And the point is, that whenever any government is writing policy for a nation, on collaboration with another nation, they’re not doing it in a vacuum, they’re doing in exactly the environment that we’ve described right here, that we’ve established here. And therefore, the smart governments around the planet are going to take these things into consideration.

But you made a very specific point, about making a priority into the kind of high-end productive jobs, and that kind of priority, those kinds of jobs, millions of those kinds of jobs, would be the only way that we’d be able to unleash the flows of credit that actually are required for absorbing the attrition of the last 40 years.

LAROUCHE: Well, obviously, what we have to do in the United States in particular, and this is not just a U.S. interest, it’s a global interest: We have to go to the NAWAPA program. Without the NAWAPA program, we can not — this planet can not get through! Because the NAWAPA program is part of a general reorganization of man’s control, and improvement of the environment. And if we, in the United States, do this, which is our recovery program for the United States, is really NAWAPA; that’s the driver for an immediate, physical recovery. There are things we must do from economic political standpoints, ordinarily, which simply get us moving upward rather than down, as we’ve been going, but this is what’s necessary.

So we’re going into a period, where now, the feasible option, and I say, "feasible option," as opposed to hypothetical options, now is that the United States must immediately throw Obama out of office! And there are two ways to throw him out: One, is that he’s committed crimes; second, that he’s insane, and that under the 25th Amendment, he could be ousted immediately. He satisfies all the requirements for being ousted.

Until we get him out, there’s no chance that the United States is going to survive. If Obama is not thrown out soon, the United States is going to crash. And very soon! He has to be thrown out! And all those Democrats and others, who are not willing to throw him out, because they say he’s a Democrat, he’s not a Democrat, he’s a devil! All right.

Throw this guy out, and the minute you do that, you’ll be able to get Glass-Steagall through. Now Glass-Steagall is not going to solve all our problems, it’s going to eliminate some of our worst enemies! And clear the way for things that will solve — NAWAPA is the key driver for any hope of an economic recovery in the United States in particular.

Now, what this goes together with, NAWAPA as a driver for a recovery program, this goes together with a partnership, with Russia and China in particular. Now, it’s not that other nations shouldn’t be involved in this. It’s that, right now, as of this moment, on the United States, minus Obama, with Russia and China, is ready to start a global recovery program.

Now, there are a lot of difficulties on the Russia side, because of what they’ve been through, but they have the program. China is working in the same direction, and both Russia and China have been working with all kinds of changes in policy over the years in developing these policies. So a U.S.-Russia-China alliance, in starting a global recovery program, and then bringing the other nations in once the thing is started, that is the only solution we have. It’s the solution for the United States, but the United States can’t do it alone, it has to have major partners. Those partners are Russia and China, which are ready to go with the Eastern Siberia part of Russia, and with China. Now, with the United States, we have it!

And in Russia and in China, there are forces which are prepared, to proceed in this direction, the programs like the Three Gorges Dam in China, is a good example of this thing. There is, in China, a determination, to become a nation that can take care of its own people, a growing population. Russia has not got a growing population, but it has a growing mass area, of some of the richest mineral resources on the planet, available. And building mass transportation systems, to make this large area called Siberia, and similar areas, make it accessible to mankind’s development. This program means that we can, for the next two generations, we can promise an upward turn in the conditions of life on this planet. We can promise an immediate improvement, in the options for humanity in these, and other nations.

And if we take that attitude, and say, "We’ve got to do it," like the pilgrims, people who left Europe, because Europe was "screwed up," shall we say, and came over here, to bring European civilization here at a safe distance from the British Empire, essentially. And that’s what this is! So, we again, have to do the same thing: We have to once more have the pioneering sprit, that built the United States as a special kind of nation: We’ve got to work together with nations such as Russia and China, as key partners now, to bring other nations on the planet, back to shape.

For example, Europe doesn’t function: Why? Because the British have successfully destroyed Europe. From Western through Eastern, up toward the Russia border, there is no hope for Europe, now. There’s no hope for the planet, if Europe goes. Europe has no sovereignty! It has no sovereign nations right now! They’re colonies: British colonies. And unless, we, the United States, Russia, and China, take the crucial actions which will break this bond, and free Europe, so we turn Europe back, again, not to the euro system! Not to this colonialist system: Turn Europe back to a collection of sovereign nation-states as it once was, with governments that actually function, that governments respond to their people, not to a British Empire.

And under those conditions, this role, the United States, minus Obama, immediately — throw him out! Either impeach him, or put him in the booby hatch! Either one will do. Get him out now! Because you will not get the guts, in the American population to introduce the program which we need desperately now.

So, now it’s Russia-China-the United States are the three key powers which must come together as a leading group, to provide an initiative around which other nations can immediate gather. For example, China would not be able to have such a reform now, in its own places, but! if the United States, Russia, and China, do it, then India will do it automatically; and therefore you will have a group of the dominant nations of the world will be working together, to create a new option for humanity. And that’s our option.

SHIELDS: Well, let me ask, the way you’re describing this, brings up what seems to be a really important epistemological point, which is that, it’s not the end result of this process that matters, but it really is the process itself. The way you’re describing this thing unfolding, that seems essential. That it’s a process of transformation, it has to have a certain effect on the population of the world, where you’re describing with the idea of jobs, that they’re actually not just "work," but actually doing something to transform the way the human species operates. That seems to be a crucial part of this.

LAROUCHE: It is! And you have to look at the actual history of the New England development, the Massachusetts Bay Colony, up until the time it was crushed by the New Venetian Party. Hmm? In latter part of that decade, of that century, right? So now, the same is true: We have to go back, and become again, what the Massachusetts Bay Colony was, until it was crushed, and what the United States became. Because we developed a population in North America, starting with the Massachusetts Bay Colony in particular. The Spanish colonies didn’t work too well, because of the Habsburg system, which crushed the opportunities there.

So it was actually the Massachusetts Bay Colony which was the beginning of the United States. This process, a rebound from the crushing of the Massachusetts Bay Colony by the British, opened up the whole century, a century since that time, since the rise of the Venetian Party; that was the buildup of the people, such that as the ambassador, the American ambassador to France, spoke to Lafayette, and told Lafayette, that, "Lafayette, the French population is not ready, for an American Revolution, because it’s a massive peasantry." We had, over a century of development in North America, we had created a new type of population of independent people. And although we had European culture in many respects, the political culture was backward; and it was based on a peasantry system, a serfdom system. And therefore, we, had built in our character, as what became the United States, we had already — we were modern society in our thinking. Where Europe to this day is not as modern a society as the Massachusetts Bay Colony was in its intention back then!

But we have developed an population in our nation, a proud population, which was capable of building up what became the United States: We are the real Europe! And it was the Europe that was left behind, that caused most of the problem; and the Europe that was left behind, was the British Empire, which was the continuation of the Roman Empire! In which a system of serfdom and serfdom- like conditions were imposed to crush people, in the favor of an oligarchy, or an aristocratic oligarchy! And we were freed of that to a large degree, except for the Wall Street and Boston crowd.

So therefore, our power is that we are European culture; no longer are we a European culture: We are now reaching out to other parts of the population of the planet, and it’s a science-driver orientation.

So we’re now, together, with Russia, China, and later, I presume, India, I assume, and the United States will be the leaders who will rise from behind, as we’ve been put behind, and rise from that with the power within us, a cultural power within us, among our leading strata, who are committed as patriots to this kind of thing, an alliance of patriots of various sovereign nations, coming together, working as the United States did in its best period, to now fix the problem, not only for the United States, but fix it for the planet: Give humanity as a whole a new perspective.

We need it not only for their benefit, but for our own. If we don’t make the world safe for them, it’s not safe for us.

SHIELDS: Now, I don’t want to harp too long on points that may be clear to us, but just to make it for the audience: What you’re saying right now, that’s a major theme of the paper, that you have here, that culture which seems to be the least sense-perceptually tangible part of this whole process — everything else you can see, right? You can see the Revolution, you can see certain changes; culture you can’t see, you can’t smell, you can’t sense. But that is what the crucial difference is, between a Revolution in the U.S., the failed Revolution in France; the possibility of success here and loss here. It does seem the things that seem to be least real from the standpoint of sense-perception, are the most real from the standpoint of ontology.

LAROUCHE: Well, we are out to break the power of the British Empire! And the British Empire is presently a world empire, which occupies the minds and a lot of things, in the United States itself! Wall Street should go extinct! I mean, there’s no bank on Wall Street, of that type, which has any right to exist! Why should we bail them out? They don’t produce anything, they’re strictly parasites; the wealth that they claim to have, in the form of debts, which are fake debts, actually, fraudulently created debts, are worth nothing! Every one of those banks should go bankrupt! We don’t need a one of them! We have bankers, who know what the American banking system was under our Constitution. Now we’ve got to bring those people back! We’ve got to bring the bankers who understand that, back into the normal position they should occupy.

We’re going to have to create a credit system, so that we can build the credit system, necessary, to recreate a system of commercial banking, which is what we need, in order to fund, and drive this recovery, which we desperately need! So we’re going back to the United States, as to was! No more British imitation United States. Get rid of Wall Street, get rid of the Boston bums, and the Chicago bums, as well; go back to the American System, go back to a constitutional system, as Alexander Hamilton had understood it, and we’ll do just fine! If we have a driver program, which is a physical-economy driver.

Go back to the American System. Look, we still have people in the area around the Great Lakes, which used to be the automobile and similar fix-it-everything system! We still have people, who are aging, with those skills. That’s a leadership group; it’s the general population. But there’s the also the environment of the auto industry period: We can, with NAWAPA, we’re going to need to employ those people, from those areas, who represent a legacy, of high technology in industrial technology. They are the ones who are going to reach out, with transportation systems which they will build, which will go into the NAWAPA area!

And it’s that, I was going to say, the Detroit, California, Nevada, etc., connection: This is the way we’re going to rebuild the nation. We’re going to take people who have skills, take them off the line of cheap labor, close down everything that smells like environmentalism — close it down! And use this to drive an industrial, science-driver program, to organize the building of NAWAPA, at the same time, the same effort is going on in China, and it’s going on in eastern Siberia, hmm? At the same time, we are going to rebuild the trans-Pacific area of the world, where the trans-Atlantic system has collapsed!

So we are going to find ourselves with a sovereign nation called Russia, a sovereign nation called China, a sovereign nation called the United States, we are going to collaborate with other nations to bring this option into being! To Hell with this nonsense that we’ve been subjected to for far too long! I want to go back to the memory of Bobby and Jack Kennedy, because that’s when we lost our soul, when they were killed!

SHIELDS: Now, the irony, is that this is an extinction event: What you’re describing is an extinction event. It’s just not for the human species, it’s for this parasitical thing that’s latched onto us. For the human species, this is a radiation, this is our evolution. This is what you get, just like you had at the KT boundary, every major one of these breakthroughs, you get a loss of one type of species that violates the law of increase of energy-flux-density.

LAROUCHE: And when you get the message from London, from the British Royal Family, personally, saying they intend a mass killing of human beings, around the world, to reduce the number of human beings living on this planet from the order of 7 billion people to less than 1! And that’s their immediate intention! And anybody who likes Wall Street, because Wall Street is a British extension, anybody who likes that, should just plain go to Hell! Because they don’t belong on this planet, they belong to an extinguishable species, a perversion. And that’s where we stand.

We have to think now about the human species; we have to think in terms of nations, their sovereignties, we have to think of the objectives of future humanity; and stop thinking of ourselves as merely ourselves, and think of ourselves as people who are sort of, shall we say, "visitors" to life, who leave behind a legacy of what they’ve contributed to the future of humanity, and take pride in that. Get away from this selfish way of thinking! We’re all going to die, and let’s think about what the meaning of living is, while we have life. And let’s devote ourselves so that our lives mean something, to those who come after us. And that’s the best shot you got, and you better take it.

CERRETANI: It’s also the only thing that will work.

LAROUCHE: Yeah. I’ve been working over a long time, you know. I get used to work that way.

CERRETANI: That’s why you’re the leading statesman in the United States, still today. And the one with a policy!

LAROUCHE: I do have a policy, and I do cherish what I’ve been given, as an opportunity and other things.

SHIELDS: All right, well, that sounds fun.

LAROUCHE: It is fun! I enjoy most of life very much, for just this reason! I enjoy this, I enjoy what I do. I wish other people did more of that with themselves. They shouldn’t sour-faced all the time, they should enjoy life.

SHIELDS: They should show it, it’ll be addictive!

CERRETANI: That’s our job.

HOEFLE: All right: And let’s start with getting rid of Obama. Thank you: We’ll see you next week.